Sunday, October 15, 2006

Low Dose Chemo

Hey All,
We are through the first 21 days of chemo with minimal side effects. Thank the Lord! This week Micah started his new regimen which is milder than the meds he was on for the first 3 weeks. His counts are even above 5000 ~this is the very first time in 10 months that his counts have been this high! We had lots of check ups this week and all of them went well... except for Luke's "unplanned" visit... You guys just know how much we love the ER and we can't seem to stay away... (are we "High Risk" yet?!) So since we missed it so much, Luke and I decided to go visit Thurs night at about 8pm. Fun date night! Luke was taking out the trash and went to push the bags down, it was then that he was cut by a sweet potato can. Blood dripping through the house...Okay, I think you got it. Off to Shady Grove... A few mins. of the football game, a great nurse, an hour & 1/2 later with 4 stitches and a nice big bandage, we came home and crashed! =) But the kiddos appts. went well....Cianne had her first appt. for hydronephrosis, the docs say it is very mild and as of right now they just want to repeat the sonogram and monitor her progress. Micah had blood draws and a regular check-up at Children's, the doctors were all very pleased with how well he's doing. So are we!! We've been pretty busy lately, enjoying some fun treats! We had the privilege of sharing and thanking the awesome volunteers at Children's at their annual Volunteers Appreciation Banquet. Braet even sang (with the other kids on stage)! The fam also went to a Caps game, compliments of Olie the Goaly (his son has Autism and he donates lots of tickets to Children's) and Braet got to ride on the Zamboni!! We have so been enjoying the fall and our family! We love being back at church and of course being home together! One other great update....for those of you who know my dad, he had a stage 3 brain tumor in 2001 and here we are 5 years later- looking good! Dad (Chris Miller) also had a doc appt this week. The doc looked over his MRI and said, "Do you know what a blessed man you are? You have come a long way from when we first began. Your brain is doing some healing." How great is the Lord?! His mercies know no end! Thanks All! Thanks for all your prayers, they mean so much, you guys are great!
Much Love & Appreciation
Luke & Kriscinda, Braeton, Micah & Cianne

Charles Spurgeon "Prayer is the forefunner of mercy. Turn to sacred history, and you will find that scarcely ever did a great mercy come to this world unheralded by supplication. You have found this true in your own personal experinece. God has given you many an unsolicited favour, but still great prayer has always been the prelude of great mercy with you...Prayer is thus connected with the blessing to show us the value of it. If we had the blessings without asking for them, we should think them common things; but prayer makes our mercies more precious than diamonds. The things we ask for are precious, but do not realize their preciousness until we have sought for them earnestly."

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