Friday, July 21, 2006

Checking into Children's

Hey All~
We checked into Children’s Thurs, Micah had a fever and his counts were zero. He felt pretty rotten and we are so thankful that they are able to give him meds to help him through this time. Today he is some better, he had a really good morning and his counts are 20- moving on up! The evening seems to be his worst time. Which we are now hitting and Dadda has gone to find some movies =) He’s eating only a bite here and there but drinking really well. We truly appreciate your prayers and regular encouragement- thanks for the posts! We are still waiting to for the results of the MRI; that will probably come next week. Humm… not much more is happening here we are just hanging out with little man -oh and we have been invited to share at the volunteers banquet (to speak for just a few min at the volunteers dinner and thank them for serving the kids here so wonderfully) in September. As a matter of fact- a volunteer, Elisha, brought up some toys and games for our boys while nurse Jenny sat with them and waited for Nana to come when I went into labor with Cianne! What a blessing! The volunteers commit to serving the children here for 100 hours! We are looking forward to honoring them and getting a chance to thank them! Well this is a good time for me to say good bye for now…Luke, Micah and Cianne are cuddled up in the bed and Braet is watching a movie before we head home. Micah just got some good meds and is fast asleep. Hopefully he’ll sleep well for Luke tonight! =) Thank you for serving us so faithfully throughout this time. You have brought meals 3x a week since Feb, given financially, called, emailed, prayed, sent cards, prayed more, cried with us, laughed with us, visited us and the list could go on and on. WOW, how you have blessed us! It moves us tears think of all the numerous ways you have cared for us we will never be able to adequately thank you or communicate just how much it means!
Much Love & Appreciation!
Luke & Kriscinda, Braeton, Micah & Cianne

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Author and Pastor, John Piper writes this on the eve of prostate surgery Article Entitled: Don't Waste Your Cancer

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