We are kissing on him, singing and just enjoying holding his hand~ As Always, thanks for your prayers
We will make the most from our Micah Man if in our time of affliction we don't distance ourselves from God.
“Let us with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb 4.16) for we have a mighty Savior who bore our griefs and carried our sorrows (Is 53). He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, and our temptations yet was without sin (Heb 4.15). He deals gently with the weak because He Himself is beset with weakness (Heb 5.2). Therefore let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith (Heb 10.22) knowing that our suffering Savior welcomes His suffering children in their time of need.
One of the quotes that has served most deeply during this time is from a friend of Robert Dabney’s writing to comfort him in the loss of his 2 young sons, “My heart is sad for you, my brother. Your two bright and noble boys, both gone! What a grief! What an overwhelming sorrow! God is in this matter, moving amid the cloud and darkness of a throne which is nevertheless all spotless and full of glory. It is a case in which you must trust God, and trust him utterly. This is easy to say, but in the intensity and great force of the conditions which agitate your heart, it is no doubt difficult for you to see into the full significance, the deep and powerful force of the idea. Yet there is, for all that, a ground for your trusting in him, though he slay you... Have you questioned whether God could deal with you like this if you were his child? If you have, it is a natural, but not a sound conclusion. Was not Job beloved of God at the very time when his children perished? Do not give up your trust in him; wait, bow, submit—submit even to bear the rage of your own unbelief, and say to him, "Even amid my agony, yet I will trust in thee, though thou slay me,too."I do hope and pray that God may give you grace to exercise a faith which will humble, comfort and cheer your inmost soul. But if you cannot so believe, at least lay your hands on your bleeding and darkened spirit, and drag it along the way of duty. Follow the Master's will, in comfort if you can, but follow it. He will bring you out into a pleasant place in his own time.”
Oh to drag it along the way of duty, in comfort if we can…. follow- follow near, follow close, follow hard. Dabney experienced communion with God amidst significant trial and affliction. He would bury 3 of his beloved boys, yet the Lord would be his light and comfort even through a valley of weeping. Dabney wrote: “Our parting is not for long. As for my other loved ones, whom I see exposed to disease and death, I know that death cannot touch them unless my Heavenly Father, who orders everything for me in love and wisdom, sees it best. So I can trust them, though trembling, to his keeping and be at peace. Our little one, we hope and trust is now a ransomed spirit…This a hope inexpressible and full of glory”
It is only in God that we will find our supreme comfort during times of suffering and affliction. Dabney drew near to God in the midst of his many journeys through the valley of weeping and he found light, comfort and freedom.
God invites us to find and experience the same. We will make the most from our Micah Man if we draw near to God.
“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears. He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me (Psalm 18.6,19).”
* Used and modified with permission from Jon & Jenni Smith. Thanks Joe for helping!
Although I have never met you all personally, I have been so ministered to through your blog. My Mom, Kathy Bowers, died a little over 10 months ago. You all have been an example to me of steadfast trust in the Lord in the midst of incredible pain and sorrow- thank you! You have been in my prayers daily.
We are praying and can't express how much we respect you all for your faith, courage, perseverance and trust in God as you walk through this trial with Micah. It brings tears to our eyes when we think of the suffering, but are so grateful for God's promises that "He works ALL things together for the good."
I heard about your lil man from my good friend, Donna Simons. I've been reading your blog for quite some time and find it both heartbreaking and uplifting. Know that you all are in my thoughts during this incredible, bittersweet journey. You are much loved.
Amy Wittman
My family continues to pray for you all. My three grandsons are visiting this week and they pray too! A few days ago I took them by your house to see "little man's" Mickey Water Fountain. What a great job you family did! We are praying that God would help you and also help Micah with his pain. God Bless you and may he grant you peace in this storm. You are my heros!
We are praying for you (and checking your blog) daily! It's difficult to imagine a more painful trial and it pains us and many others as we pray. And yet, it's not a purposeless pain, but purposeful and hopefilled one. We know we can trust our faithful God whose good and perfect plan will show itself to be such. Even in midst of painful providence, His hand holds all the more firmly. That He sent His own Son to the cross to conquer all that ails Micah is such profound encouragement. May He minister you greatly today!
Your family has been on my mind since I first discovered your site so many weeks ago. You all are in my prayers. You have taught me so much.
Thank you for showing us what a Treasure Christ is to you through your trust in Him during this time. May your hearts rest in knowing that His purposes are ones of compassion and mercy (James 5:11).
Thanks so much for your example of trusting in God and looking for His good in the midst of this trial. I know God is using your family to bring others to Him. I am praying for Micah and your family. My mom (Mary Hamelink)often gives me updates and then I check your blog. Keep holding on to God's promises!
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