Journeying Through the Valley ~
One thing we have heard continually from our pastors is that a person only has to live long enough before they experience suffering to some degree or another. The Bible also informs us of the certainty of suffering for God's people ("through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." Acts 14:22). We are so very grateful for our pastors and the care they have given by teaching us these biblical truths even before Micah was diagnosed, it has provided a foundation for us to stand on.
Since Micah's diagnosis, we have watched our little boy go through so much suffering - needle pricks, IVs, brain surgeries, high dose chemotherapy, Broviacs, PICC lines, NG tubes, vomiting, infections, ER visits, etc... How could we watch all of these things and not fall apart, give up hope, and withdraw from the Lord and from others? Believe me, the temptations are there, but we can only attribute strength and perseverance to the strength and grace of our God. When all else around us has given way, we have pressed down into God and found that He is real, He is there, and His steadfast love never ceases. We know he loves us because He sent his only Son and purposely subjected him to suffering and abandonment so that we would never be abandoned or forsaken. "He was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace" (Isaiah 53) "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24). Though we have experienced and are experiencing many sorrows (even now my heart aches as I watch my little one lay peacefully on the couch), we have been comforted knowing that our God is good and loving and in control of every circumstance we encounter - though we don't understand the "why" of everything we are going through.
Along our journey we have been inspired by many who walked similar roads before us. One such couple is our friends Jon and Jenny Smith whose faith and love for God even in the midst of severe trial has been outstanding. On their blog, The Smith Family, they have written six posts about what they have learned (and are still learning) through their experience of suffering in hopes that these lessons learned would minister to others as they have ministered to them. We would like to borrow from the Smiths and share some thoughts from their posts with you as well, with the same hope and prayer that they will in some way help and encourage the ones we love.
More to come...
~Even as we write this the days are increasingly hard. We would ask for your prayers specifically for Micah and us. Micah is having increased pain whenever he is moved or his diaper changed. Our longing is for a miracle, the ones we have heard about, the ones we've read about - but seeing our little guy suffer is crushing. We know his eternal home will be splendid and as much as I long for him to be in my arms bringing joy to our household I long for him to be in no pain in the arms of Jesus laughing and playing just like he did with us. Oh, Lord, your kingdom come we pray, speed the day.
Dear Davis Family,
I have found your blog through mutual friends, the Sheffers. I want you to know that we carry Micah and your family on our hearts. I check your blog often to keep updated. We are grateful for your Godly example of trusting God in the midst of suffering.
Praying and thanking God for you,
Chad and Jenn Rogers and family
Dear Davis Family,
You don't know us. We go to CLC. We check your blog often and Micah is on our lips and in our hearts. We are praying for him and you. As I was caring for my feverish child the other night, and in a bit of fear as to the cause of the fever - I was reminded to pray for Micah and his fevers and for silly "trial" seemed to vanish. Thanks for taking the time to update everyone and give so much hope to us as we read and pray for you. Love, Scott & Diana Hendricks
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